We Got To Go Inside The U.S.S. Barry which weighs about 2,780 tons with narrow, steep steps to rooms with bunk beds and a lounge for higher ranking officers and mess halls for eating. Not only that but theres these latrines they had for use of depositing excretions.
Nick On The Railing Of The Ship Wearing His ROTC Uniform (By The Way He Saluted Almost Every Navy Soldier And None Of Them Saluted Back Ha! Now That Was Priceless!)
Just The Crew Chilling In The Comfy Lounge, Now Thats G Status Right There!
Then as we vigorously (and also pointlessly) walked around what felt like the entire area we went to the U.S. Navy Museum checked out all these cool inventions and models used for navy ships back in the day and got to sit in the seats of massive turret guns. Trust me on this one, there were some pretty wicked turrets and anti air shooters that we got to sit in but we also got to turn them around and position the barrels with these handle things that you had to crank up, how sweet is that huh!?!
Yeah Judging By The Fact That Nick and Ian are in There You Can Tell This Is Going To Lead To A Dark And Scary Future.
Um...Ladies Not To Alarm You Or Anything But Theres Like A Really Creepy Stalker Person Watching Y'all From Behind In A Window. I Guess We Might Need To Register In Our Neighborhoods Just In Case Huh?
What I Learned From The Whole Experience In This Trip Was...That Metro trains are nerve wrecking and they sort of scare the crap out of me for some reason. I mean just today i went on the train and before then my brother said that the Metro made him feel depressed, so yeah i think somethings messed up with the vibe to the Metro train stations. Too many people for me, its dark as hell at night in there, the maps either confuse me or overwhelm me or something i don't know theres just something about it that gets to me and theres a good chance of you falling off on to the railings too, which obviously can be really dangerous!
What i also learned was spending that long of a time with the sixth period I.T. Class is annoying. Who ever said ignorance was bliss clearly didn't meet this class, they completely had no regard for public boundaries. The way they were rough housing with each other and the words they actually said out loud in public was atrocious. I think they are all insane to be honest, well the guys any way the girls were pretty chill but i was still verbally and non verbally abused by all of them which is why i think their insane!!
.....And I guess the most important thing from this some what uncomfortable yet still satisfying experience i learned most of all was pure friend ship and commitment for one another goes a long way in life and that you can most definitely, without a doubt and absolutely never find a more fun loving group of people like the Intro To I.T. Class of 2011. Sure some of them had insulted and assaulted me on more than one separate occasion but i'm a forgiving person actually some of them (but mainly our great teacher Mr.Welsh) have taught me many important things in life like how to use the web and Google better for different uses, how to express myself freely, how to play chess, how to accept humility and defeat, how to absorb lots and lots of pain, how to dougie, how to relate with people and also how to love. So to them i say thank you and that you are the strangest yet one of the best cohorts iv ever come to know. So I don't just think of you all as people i happen to know or regular classmates or just plain friends. I consider you all as a family and I normally don't express these things much or at all really but i I love you guys ♥. Intro To I.T. Class of 2011 FOREVER!!!!!
Yup Thats The Dream Team Alright, Ha Ha Ha YURP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (;
by the way if your reading this then thanks for the pizza Mr. Caputo!!! :D
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